With Layer Editor you can add, modify, or repair the properties, attributes, data or the grid of a selected layer. When you open Layer Editor for the different spatial types (Region, Site, Line, or Surfaced), different drawing and editing tools will appear. This article will go over the editing tools seen in all the spatial types.
Layer in AgStudio with data and at least one attribute.
Properties - Click on the Properties tab in Layer Editor
Attributes - Attributes tab contains a list of attributes associated with the layer and details about the selected attribute.
Data - Use the data tab to view/add/edit the actual attribute values in grid form. Select on the value in the grid, and that point/polygon is highlighted on the map. Likewise, if you click on a site or region on the map, the data gets selected in the data grid. Edit the value in the cell as needed and click Save.
Other tools available in all layers:
Related Articles:Layer Editor for Line Layers
Layer Editor for Site Layers
Layer Editor for Region Layer
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