Region layers are a common layers, typically seen in layers like Soil Types, or Decision/Management Zones, or Treatment layers. These layers are comprised of multiple regions, called polygons, that make up the layer.
Split Region - Select a region on the grid or map and click icon to activate tool. Then draw a line through the region, clicking to begin the line (outside the selected region) and double clicking to finish the line (outside). Region will then be split into two regions at the line that was drawn.
Join Regions - Select the region on your map or grid that will be kept and then click on Join Region icon to activate tool. On the map click other regions to join TO the region you are keeping. You can continue to click regions to join them to the kept region. Click on the icon again to de-activate tool and to stop joining regions. **NOTE: If you make an error you can always click "Undo" to fix any errors you made with joining the regions.
Ungroup Regions - If you have a region that is two separate polygons, and you want to separate them so they are their own regions. Select the multi-region on the map or in the grid and click on the icon to un-group the region.
Join Small Regions - If there are several small regions, and it's difficult to get those regions to join, or there's simply too many of them, you can click on the Join Small Regions icon. It will give you the smallest size region you would like on your layer (not the smallest region to join) AND how you want to associate those small regions to their neighbor (Longest Edge, Smallest Neighbor, or Largest Neighbor). Click OK and those small regions will join to the region that has those in common.
ReMap to Boundary - Sometimes a field boundary changes or a region gets missed when creating a layer. We can click on this icon to add boundaries to fill out the boundary (or crop a layer to a smaller boundary). You will see blank data in the grid, so it is common to use this tool in conjuction with Join Small Regions, or Join Regions to join these new mapped regions to ones already existing in the layer.
Delete Region - Select a region on the map or in the data grid, and click on this region to delete the region AND the data. Click "Undo" if this was an error. You can click "Undo" until the last save point or until you opened Layer Editor.
**These are tools used to select certain regions/polygons in the use of selecting or cutting a region into a desired area.
Draw a Circle, Rectangle, or Polygon - First select a region either in the data grid OR map (this is the area that will be affected by the tools). Then click on the preferred selection shape (circle and rectangle are a simple click at the center of the shape then drag for size; polygon, like boundaries you click for each point, double-clicking on the final point).
Draw a Cutting Strip - Select a region to be cut by a buffer strip. Click on icon and draw a line through the region (center of the buffer). Enter the width of the buffer and click OK. A buffer region should appear.
Copy a Selected Region - Select a region you want to copy for a region (very useful in trials and treatment analysis). Click on the icon to copy the region.
Polygon from a Field Buffer - Click on icon and enter the width of the buffer in from the field boundary. A polygon minus the width of the buffer will appear (useful for fertilizer treatments and analysis).
**These are tools used to cut the selected shapes/polygons into a selected region. One thing to note, it will only cut into the SELECTED region.
Cut Selected Region - once you have the selecting region to the desired size, shape, and orientation, click on this icon to cut the region INTO the selected region on the map.
Replace the Overlapped Region - once you have a desired size, shape, and orientation, AND you want this area to overlap any existing region, click on this icon to cover the selected area.
Replace Area Outside Region - once you have the desired size, shape, and orientation AND you want to focus on the regions INSIDE selecting shape, click on this icon and the area OUTSIDE of the region will become one region, not changing anything inside the selection region.
Cut Selected Region Replace Overlapped Replace Outside Area
Select the Data Rows within Geometry - once you have a selected geometry, click on this icon to highlight the data rows selected within this geometry. This is useful when used in conjuction with "Assign Attribute Values" to edit the data.
Clear Cutting Geometry - if you made an error, or are done using the selected geometry, click on this icon and the cutting geometry will disappear.
Save Selection as New Layer - to save the selected geometry as it's own layer along with the data, click on this icon to export the selected geometry from AgStudio as a shapefile.
Related Articles:Layer Editor for Line Layers
Layer Editor for Site Layers
Layer Editor tools for ALL types of Layers
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