In addition to Company, Territory, Location, Grower, and Crop Year, the other elements of the domain contain the items that display in the Resources tree. The Resources tree contains the Farms, Fields, Crop Zones, layers, and field operations. As you build the Resources tree, you use the crop and commodity data you entered into the database.
Note: The online Help for creating and editing Growers, Farms, Fields, and Crop Zones is available within the domain specific properties dialogs.
From the Grower level in the Resources tree, when you choose New Farm (either through the Context menu or the Setup menu), the Farm Properties dialog displays. You initially define the farm including County information and a brief description, optional.
From the Farm level in the Resources tree, when you choose New Field (either through the Context menu or the Setup menu), the Field Properties dialog displays. You define the field including Area, Location (Country, State, County, Political Township, Township, Range, and Section), FSA/NRCS Information, Legal Description, Insurance identification, and Directions. **Note: The only required information needed to create a new field is the Name: other information consisting of the country, township, range, etc. is optional.
Crop Zones
From the Field level in the Resources tree, when you choose New CropZone (either through the Context menu or the Setup menu), the Crop Zone Properties dialog displays. You define the crop zone including Crop, Commodity, Sequence, Reported Area, and Yield Goal.
Context Menus
For increased efficiency, when you are selected on a domain, right-click to display the context menu that includes the options related to that domain. When building the Resources tree, options such as rename, edit, new, and delete are helpful.
The available create option pertains to the child of that domain. For example, if you are selected on a farm, easily access rename, edit, and delete farm as well as create field (the child domain) from the Context menu. These features are also available by selecting them from the Setup menu.
Related Articles:How do I set up Crops?How do I set up Commodities?
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