The AgDirector Mobile Sign In screen only appears when requesting to perform an action that requires access to your account. This includes functions such as downloading your operation list or uploading/downloading data.
When prompted to sign in, enter your AgStudio username and password, then tap Sign In. If you are unsure of your username or password, please contact support.
If necessary, click Create Account if you have to establish a new account.
Click Terms of Use or Help to access those respective pages.
The settings page includes:
App Version shows the current version of the app installed.
Logged in as… either shows the current user who is logged in or notifies you that nobody is logged in currently. You cannot sign in from this screen as it is not necessary to log in until accessing a function that requires it. At that point, you are prompted to sign in.
Environment Identifier show the database location.
Erase USB Device erases ALL information on the USB device including the AgDirector Archives backup directory.
Caution: Make sure you have a backup of the data if needed before doing this. This will take several minutes depending on how much data is being erased.
You can enable/disable Allow Large File Uploads Over to allow/disallow uploading files over 100 MB from your cellular connection.
You can enable/disable Support Diagnostics to allow/disallow gathering additional diagnostics. This setting should be disabled unless otherwise directed by AgStudio Support.
Should Support direct you to enable Support Diagnostics, the Upload Log Files is enabled so that you can send the Diagnostics.
Click Terms of Use, Help, or Getting Started to access those respective pages.
Related Articles:How do I import and upload field operation data?How do I download and export prescriptions?
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