Overview:Users creating Product Recommendations on split crop zones, or multiple connected fields within a farm, may want to export the recommendations as one single recommendation for application in the field or farm.
1. From the domain tree, select the field or farm for export.
2. Navigate to Fertility from the menu bar and select VRF Export.
3. Click to load product recommendation layers for your field. Verify the product recommendations you want to export have a check mark in the left-hand column. **Note: For this to work properly, Product Rx Layer names need to be exactly alike, i.e. layer name and attributes/products.
4. Click to export your recommendations to field devices.
5. Select your device settings in Export Manager. For Grouping setting, select By farm as shown above.
6. Select when you are finished with Export Manager.
7. Verify your product recommendations were merged by viewing your RXMaps and Summary PDF report from your export.
Related Articles:Variable Rate Fertility: A Step-by-Step GuideHow do I export recommendations to a controller using VRF Export?How to change SetPoints in VRF Export
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